Two Summer releases
Summer is approaching, but that doesn't mean that we're stopping up in our tracks. We have two more upcoming releases ready from preordering.
Alwanzatar, the one man extraterrestrial world music band comprised of flute & synth wizard Krizla of Tusmørke, is ready with his third album in 2.5 years. Helsfyr Terminal Ekspress will be unleashed upon the world on June 21st
Subshine, aka Ole Gunnar Gundersen, the former singer and songwriter of Lorraine, has released a string of singles - and is now ready to release the first long-form record, called Easy Window. A perfect Summer record. Release date July 19th, but as always, we'll try to send it out a bit earlier.
25 each of the Subshine CD and LP will be signed, so get yours now :) These will be out only early Summer releases, but stay tuned for some pretty epic preorders coming up in a few weeks - And enjoy your Summer, everyone! :)